Enchantment: South Florida Fish Stew

Last weekend we visited Strawberry Hollow in Guilford. It’s one of those little shops that opens during the Fall to Christmas Season here on The Shoreline. You will know you have found it when you see a policeman directing traffic around the parking area on the weekends.
Its one of my first go-to places during the fall since I returned to Connecticut. This is not one of those cutsy, country, chotchke motif type of places. This is serious decorating, and it is something other, something else. Primitive. Elegant. (Expensive).
This is the shop where I source the potpourri for the Inside Mason Jars for both Fall and Christmas. All natural ingredients, naturally scented. Hence the price.
I have visited this shop in many years past, but never ventured beyond the storefront. For the first time, however, I walked down into the farm you can see from Route 1.
Farming is very hard work. Making farming look this beautiful, that’s another thing entirely. As we took the path down into the fields, this feeling overwhelmed me.
Magic. Enchantment.
We were out all day, and when we got home, it felt like a soup day. I made South Florida Fish Stew.

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