Chocolate Ginger Spice Cookies: An All Day Pajama Party

The weekend of our Wedding Anniversary was our weekend to have The Girl. We get her from school on Friday and her mom picks her up on Sunday morning to take her to Chinese Class (I know. Most kids think they are smarter than you, Grace actually is). But this Friday she had a class trip to Boston and Chris was to pick her up at the school when the bus got back at 6pm. Right. He didn't get her until 7:30pm and was 30 minutes from home.
Needless to say, it was a very late evening. Grace landed on the couch with dinner in bowl (Chicken and Polenta) and Hocus Pocus on. The next day, she was still there. We planned to go out to dinner that evening, but couldn't find a pajama friendly restaurant.
It is shown here with simple roasted vegetables, rather than the polenta (I'd like to say because we slimmed it down, but the truth is we ate it all before I could get photos)
Between piano lessons, viola lessons, art lessons, chinese class, regular school and homework, by the time we get her, she is pooped and just wants to be a couch potato all weekend.
But I have a secret weapon: baking. So I got her off the couch with a promise of making one of her favorites: Ginger Cookies.
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