Sweet Potato Corned Beef Hash: Dad’s Favorite, if he could remember

My dad has dementia. The doctors say its mild. That’s because they keep giving him this screening test, and he keeps acing it. He just can’t remember what he had for lunch. And that was an hour ago.
Or if he took his medications.
Or how many glasses of wine he had.
Me: Dad, be careful, you’ve had too much wine.
Dad: I only have a half a glass at a time!
He’s an Optimist, though. His glass is always half full.
Between the Dementia and the wine, the concept of volume is now completely lost on him. Any glass, no matter how big or small, is only half full if there is even a half inch of space between the wine and the rim.
Add to that, he can’t remember how many half glasses he had, and now you’ve got yourself a problem. Especially if that problem is over 80 years old, and still thinks he can drive.
We’ve been trying for more than a year to get his Long Term Care insurance policy to kick in, so we can get him some full time help in his house. He’s lived alone since my Mother's death. He was ok for a few years, but once the Dementia started to set it, he really went downhill fast.
We didn’t know what it was at first. It started with him repeating himself every 15 minutes. And then we started to notice he was drinking a lot. More than he ever did his whole life.
Can’t say I blame him. Dementia is a cruel thing. The short term memory goes because what the person hears in their ear, can’t quite make it to their short term memory center, so it’s more like 4-5 minutes of memory is all he has.
Watch TV? Can’t follow the plot. Watch Sports? Can’t understand the plays. Read a book? Can’t remember what the last paragraph was. Socialize? Can’t follow the conversation thread.
But long term memory is different. He can still remember how to get pretty much anywhere he wants to go. So, go to lunch? Sure thing! He remembers how to get to Lenny and Joe’s, alright.
He just needs to remember to turn the correct way on Route 1, and Long Term Memory will get him home. Right? Well, as long as he makes the right turn. One wrong turn, and he’ll end up in Rhode Island.
So when we took him into the hospital for what was supposed to be an outpatient procedure, but became an odyssey of two weeks and two days, we were glad to have gotten some home care help for him when he finally did get back home. She was given instructions to take him wherever he needs to go, and that she is to drive. So the plan was to have her take him to lunch on Saturdays, so she is driving, he can get out of the house, and have his wine with lunch and the family no longer has to worry about him killing or maiming others, or lawsuits.
His Home Aid made plans with him (and by plans that means she leaves him notes taped to everything in the house) to take him grocery shopping and then lunch the day after he got home. He didn’t want to go shopping, so she went by herself. When she got back, he was gone.
In a panic, she called everyone in the family. Then she calmed down, and called Lenny and Joes. She managed to convince the manager it was an emergency and got my dad on the phone. He was there, having his wine and his lunch, just like always. He just forgot to take his date with him.
Old habits die hard.
Then two days ago she got there at her normal 10am. She’s quickly learning little tricks to figure out if he has been driving.
At his age, and with his medical diagnosis (yeah we got some additional bad news as a result of his out-patient procedure), he can do anything he wants, or doesn’t want. He’s earned it. Except drive. That’s the next battle. How do you tell a man of his prior strength and accomplishments that not only does he need help, he has a terminal disease, and he can’t drive. So, if he wants to drink his wine, I’m not going to tell him he can’t. I just have to get him off the road.
Anyway, she gets to his house and notices a bottle of wine on the counter.
Home Aid: Ed, did you go out this morning?
Dad: I don’t know.
HA: How much money do you have in your wallet? (That’s how she keeps track of him.)
Dad: $153
HA: Well, you had $170 last night. Where did you go?
Dad: I went to get milk.
HA: Ed, there’s no milk in the refridgerator. Where did you go?
Dad: I don’t know.
HA: Ed, did you go to get wine?
Dad: No. I had that wine. (No, there are now two bottles on the counter, and there was only one the night before.)
HA: Ed, you know you’re not supposed to drive, right?
Dad: Who said I can’t drive?
HA: Your doctors told you not to drive.
Dad: Oh, that’s just something Margot made up!
So if you see my Dad out driving, please call me. And then get out of his way, because he’s forgotten that I’m going to his house today to bring him is favorite leftovers from St. Patrick’s Day, Corned Beef Hash.
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