Deconstruction: The Rueben

This time of year the bars and taverns are really hopping on Saturday afternoons. March Madness. St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Hungry Fans. By I’ve now had enough of Bad Rueben Sandwiches and Green Beer to make it worth staying home.
How bad?
Watery sauerkraut out of jar or a bag, makes for soggy bread.
Fatty or thick cuts of corned beef make for tough eating.
Sauce that tastes like “special sauce” makes it taste institutional.
So I set out to perfect The Rueben.
Watery sauerkraut out of jar or a bag, makes for soggy bread.
Fatty or thick cuts of corned beef make for tough eating.
Sauce that tastes like “special sauce” makes it taste institutional.
So I set out to perfect The Rueben.
It took a lot of research and taste testing on Saturday afternoons to figure out the best of all possible sandwiches, but I finally got it narrowed down and perfected.
What’s best?
Very lean, very thinly sliced Corned Beef. Just enough meat on the sandwich, not too much. About 3 or 4 slices thick. More than that is just too hard to bite into
Nutty Emanthaler Cheese shredded on top and bottom
Dijionaise Sauce. It’s a more sophisticated thousand island dressing. On the side. I don’t like anything with mayonnaise in it cooked. It just separates into a greasy mess.
Gramma Daly's Cole Slaw with black caraway seeds instead of the sauerkraut. On the side. Mayo in it, remember?

Sweet Bread and Butter pickle chips. The kind in the refrigerator section. Better yet, Jalapeno Pickles. From Homesick Texan Cookbook.
And the best Rye Bread you can find. Not likely found in the bread aisle of the grocery store, but at a bakery or farm market. Grilled like you would make a good grilled cheese sandwich, with a thin spread of soft butter on the outside of the bread.
Grace has an exchange student from France staying with her who is excited about being in the US for St. Patrick’s Day. Won’t she be surprised to find out our traditional Irish Fare is actually Jewish Deli Food?
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