Don't tell the Universe your plans

I was single for decades.
I got married for the first time after moving back to The Shoreline when I was in my fifties. When I met my husband I told my sister,
"He's cute, but I'm not going to marry him."
Lesson learned, don't tell the Universe your plans.
The reality is, I finally woke up and learned what is really meaningful in life. When it came to men, I had spent most of my single life being interested in what was unavailable to me.
And not interested in what was available to me.
And working in corporate America because somebody had to pay the mortage (not the other way around.)
Until Chris.
He's my boy now. I say boy because he is considerably younger than me. Technically, I don't qualify as a cougar, that's more like 15 or 20 years, but he's almost 10 years younger than me.
He put up with me keeping him at arms length for nearly a year, and to this day I am grateful for that. He would say I fell in love with his daughter (aka Grace The Girl) first, and he would be near to the truth. The fact is I struggled trying to figure out what he could have done to cause a woman to walk away from being a family with the two of them.
Then I realized it wasn't him.
And I could made the same mistake myself.
But I didn't.
Once I figured out I could have a little family of my own, it was hook, line and sinker.
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